Friday, November 12, 2010

Deaf Family (????)

A short, sweet and utterly mysterious tape of melodic noise drones. The image says "QUONE" on the side with my copy apparently being 2 of 5, but the Quone label website doesn't even list it. There's also no luck on a google search since typing in "deaf family" only leads to pages upon pages of medial advice. Now that I think about it, this is one I'd actually like some more answers on.

Live Disasters (2001?)

Excellent mashup of live shenanigans. Sonic Disorder dishes out plastered noise weirdness while Joe Milktoast cocks out with their rock out for the final time. I should really pay closer attention to these guys. Whatever, my loss is your gain. I can only assume this tape is from 2001 at the earliest. Smell The Stench's deleted releases page confirms it exists but doesn't give a release date. Discogs brings up nothing.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Jungle Talk (1993)

Easily the worst of these kinds of albums I've ever heard. You know the ones: they sit on kiosks at retail joints or giftshops, playing snippets of waterfalls and bird calls alongside modernized sing-a-longs and rehashed celtic music. Now try sitting through an hour of this shit: you'll especially love listening to the two tracks that sound nearly identical while reading fine print on the inside cover to pass the time. The thing that disturbs me is, why the hell did they include a track called "Turkey Talk"on a freakin' jungle-themed album? Download only if you need an endurance test.

Also, a quick shout out to Confederacy of the Wrong
There's some cool shit there: check it out.