Friday, May 28, 2010

Remain-Anon (1986)

As far as I can tell, Remain-Anon was a pop rock band... and that's pretty much all I could find. Nothing comes up on the web and on the tape there's a phone number for some lady who's probably dead now. In terms of style, I'm reminded of bands like Boston or Chicago though there's probably better examples out there. I can imagine the band members standing on a rock for a publicity photo hung on the wall of a dingy basement somewhere, all wearing denim jackets and sporting terribly aged porn 'staches. Nothing here will blow your mind, but it is kind of entertaining for what it is. I'm not sure if this is a single or a demo, or a copy of a demo given the nature of the tape, though this is largely irrelevant. Remain-Anon were understandably forgotten by time; none of those scenarios would surprise me, and evidently the band itself didn't surprise anyone either.

EDIT (10/8/14): I know track 2 is glitched, I'll check my files later but I no longer own the tape, so if that one turns out to be fucked up, then there's nothing I can do.

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